10 Ways to Be a Better Black Voter
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 1 week ago 18 Views 0 comments
“Black Vote, Black Power,” a collaboration between Keith Boykin and Word In Black, examines the issues, the candidates, and what’s at stake for Black America in the 2024 presidential election.
Here we go again. A handful of rappers, celebrities, and instigators out here are discouraging Black people from voting or trying to convince us that our vote doesn’t matter because both candidates are the same. Don’t believe them.
Every four years, a few vocal people — who rarely, if ever, use their voices to mobilize their followers to engage in specific political action — suddenly crawl out of the woodwork to spread misinformation about the next presidential election.
RELATED: Kamala Harris, for the Black People
This year is no different. I thought about posting weekly rebuttals, but rather than spending the next two months debunking these voices over and over again, I want to ask two questions.
First, what’s their strategy to achieve their goals? Assuming you agree with everything they want to do, how do they propose to get it passed through our divided Congress, signed by the President into law, and upheld by a Republican-dominated Supreme Court that now considers any race-specific remedy to be illegal or unconstitutional? ...