12 Questions To Ask Yourself and Your Doctor To Maintain Brain Health
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 1 week ago 22 Views 0 comments
If you’ve experienced so-called “senior moments,” brain blips or brain freezes, you’re not alone.
Many people worry about their future brain health. So many, in fact, that the American Academy of Neurology suggests that everyone consider 12 factors that influence long-term brain health.
“Neurologists are the experts in brain health, with the training and insight needed to help you keep your brain in top shape throughout life,” Dr. Carlayne Jackson, president of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), said in a news release.
In a recent article in the journal Neurology, a team led by Dr. Linda Selwa of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor recommended 12 tips to start conversations with your healthcare provider about ways to keep your brain healthy.
Questions to Ask Yourself and Tell Your Doctor
Your health is a lifelong journey, and regular discussions with your doctor can help you stay on track. Being proactive about key areas of your health ensures you get the care and support you need. Below are essential questions to ask yourself and bring up with your doctor at your next visit.
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