5 Complications Black Folks with PA Commonly Face (And What to Do)
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 1 week ago 17 Views 0 comments
As we age, health challenges are just a part of life.
However, for Black folks, the journey into older adulthood may be a little different. Research has consistently shown that the Black community is affected by more prevalent and severe diseases than other races. But don’t let that get you down! Addressing these health conditions does not have to be rocket science. With both awareness and proactive lifestyle changes, healthy aging is not just possible – it’s probable.
Here are five health conditions you may face as you age, as well as some strategies to address them.
1. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) can be a big problem for the Black community. In fact, higher rates of kidney failure can quickly progress to end-stage renal disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Black Americans are almost four times more likely than white Americans to develop kidney failure. Perhaps not surprisingly, Black Americans comprise roughly 35 percent of all people in the U.S. on dialysis or needing a kidney transplant.
With CKD, it’s crucial to manage blood pressure and blood sugar levels. The best way to do this is by changing your diet. First...