6 Tell-Tale Signs of Eczema in Black Babies
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 1 week ago 16 Views 0 comments
Generally, most children with eczema are diagnosed before the age of five. However, depending on the symptoms, some children are diagnosed within a few weeks of birth. Since eczema can range from annoying to painful, it’s a good idea to get an early diagnosis so your baby can start a medication regimen. The skin condition can look different on Black babies, though, and knowing the signs can make a significant difference in their diagnosis time.
6 Signs of Eczema on Black Babies
Swollen patches of skin – Inflammation is a characteristic of eczema and on Black skin, the swollen areas may appear gray, dark brown, or purple.
Dry, itchy skin – The affected areas can be scaly as well and sometimes you may see some oozing.
Thick, leathery patches – This is known as lichenification and the leathery patches are usually darker than the usual skin tone.
Dark or light patches – Eczema can change the pigmentation of your baby’s skin, which can lead to light or dark patches. Darker skin is more likely to have dark patches, however.
Small bumps on the torso – Also known as papular eczema, you may also see these small bumps on the limbs....