6 Tips For Black Women Coping With a Triple Negative Diagnosis

Parenting/ Health

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It’s estimated that up to 20 percent of people who are diagnosed with breast cancer have a specific type – triple-negative breast cancer. According to the statistics, about 150,000 Americans died from this condition in the last year. Given how small that number may seem when compared to breast cancer in general or other illnesses, it’s understandable that people are shocked when they receive a diagnosis of triple-negative breast cancer. Here are a few ways to cope with it.  6 Ways To Cope With Your Diagnosis 1. Find Some Support It can be good to talk to persons who have dealt with the same diagnosis as you. They can give you advice and help you to get some of the resources you need because of what they’ve dealt with. Studies show that having a good support system can help your mental health. 2. See A Specialist According to researchers, it’s important to move quickly and work with doctors who are familiar with triple-negative breast cancer. This is also significant for African Americans as they have a higher chance of being diagnosed with this condition while being 28% more likely to die. One reason for this is that they often don’t...