Another Day, Another Diet: When Is Enough Enough?

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 24 Views 0 comments

Another day, another diet. When is enough enough? Every day another expert pops up with a new diet: a life changer, a different approach to food and eating, a license to eat all and whatever you want until seven, or an endless source of prohibitions with the side effect of robbing your meals of their pleasure. Half hopeful or fully crazy, you buy, do, and try until you explode with a ravenous hunger from deprivation and feast like a beast. Let’s get back to basics, folks. What if “they” were all wrong? The doctors, the gurus, the dieticians or the nutritionists, the nurses, and the self-proclaimed experts on every screen and every platform of all the devices you own pitching you their self-proclaimed science-based secrets. There is a plea to listen to all of this, a soft sell and its supposed solid results which you are expected to believe and then follow blindly. There’s a price once you are all in, mind and body. It could be a monetary commitment with a money-back guarantee. But at what price are you willing to trade your body image acceptance for a quicker and lower BMI, a gamble that if it was true,...