(TriceEdneyWire.com)—President Joe Biden missed a great opportunity on June 27.& Two days after the disastrous debacle also known as a debate, tens of thousands of people thronged to Washington DC Mass Poor People’s and Low Wage Workers Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls.& He wasn’t invited to speak at the March, but I bet if he’d asked Rev. William Barber and Rev. Liz Theoharis if he could drop by they would have been happy to have him.&
Why?& The Co-Chairs of the Assembly and Moral March are hoping to galvanize voters to participate in democracy and vote on November 5.& They say that there are tens of millions of registered voters who don’t plan to participate in our democracy!& Why?& They say nobody talks to them.
I don’t know if President Biden could have stood the nearly one hundred-degree heat.& I surely didn’t.& I covered the March from my air-conditioned home, watching the live stream from my laptop, making occasional phone calls to people on the ground.& But that Low Wage Worker’s Assembly is exactly the kind of event President Biden needs to attend.& Further, when those assembled marched down Pennsylvania Avenue to present their demands,...
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