Kampala’s Hiro Restaurant Introduces Strict Dress Code Policy

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After tolerating the hundreds of Ugandans sneaking in with their crocs, and bathroom sandals, Hiro Restaurant has decided to Bang the Table. Apparently, it’s a clash of generations as the older folks felt the Gen.Zs and borderline millenials were killing the atmosphere. “Can you imagine, you have taken your wife out for a romantic dinner, and these bu-chaps come in with cheap perfumes, ripped jeans and rugged hair? And imagine, they are just buying simple stuff, while us we are buying bottles of wine, going all the way, and even doing nothing less than sparkling water,” an annoyed guest revealed to us. Hiro, a Japanese themed restaurant has vowed to uphold the aesthetic. “You see, in Japan, dress code is a big thing. It’s a high value. It’s not just about money. We rather serve fewer people, but give them a memorable experience, than kill the aesthetic with bad dressing,” an anonymous source at the restaurant told us. So going forward, Kampalans must invest in some good wardrobing lest they get bounced. The most affected species are the baddies of Kampala as they now have to go scavenging for something at LC Waikiki and Downtown. Great great stuff Hiro. The...