Victory Isn’t Always What You, Sometimes It’s What You Don’t Want

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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I had a relative tell me recently, “You worry too much about them.” She was referring to some people I’d talked about many times before this latest conversation. And the underlying message I took? Stop talking and move on with your life. How many times do we process — by way of talking it out — what people have done or said that offended, hurt or embarrassed us in some way? The only issue is that the storyline starts to become dull because even though your name and good intentions are being misconstrued, the other blasphemous party continues to play their same, predictable role down. In other words, they’re doing what they’ve always done. They’re behaving just as you would expect them to do. And since they’re behaving true to their roles, why are we always so consumed with their latest actions? They are playing their character according to script and when they won’t change, the onus then comes upon, guess who? That’s right — you and me. Now, please understand I am not downplaying the hurt, shame and disappointment that comes with their inconsiderate nature. But knowing their role play consistency can now become your superpower. You know it’s...