‘Wasn’t Necessary’: Video Shows Two Black Sorority Members Push Partygoer Multiple Times After She Appears to Interrupt Stroll In a Club, Sparking Fiery Backlash

Forum Talk

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A video showing two Black sorority members shove a partygoer who walks through their stroll in a club has drawn many opinions on social media about their reactions. The video, originally posted to TikTok by user @tieunbridges, shows the encounter happening as two sorority members prepare to stroll through a club party. Sorority members appear to shove woman in the club. (Credit: Tiktok/@tieunbridges) A female partygoer attempts to walk past them, appearing not to realize that she’s breaking their line formation with their other sorors. One sorority member pushes her back to where she was initially standing, but the partygoer tries to walk through their line again. At that point, the first woman who pushed her is joined by her soror and both forcefully shove her back again. It’s unclear where the brief clip of the encounter was recorded. However, it has sparked discussion online about general club culture and party environments in which people might not be aware of or prepared for Black Greek-letter organizations to stroll versus college party culture. View this post on Instagram A post shared by The Neighborhood Talk (@theneighborhoodtalk) “She is unaware, and why are they strolling the club?” one person commented. “Strolling in...