6 Spring Break Precautions & How To Deal With Them

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 26 Views 0 comments

& Spring break is right around the corner and several precautions need to be taken to ensure the best experience. This is the time when young college students flock to places like Miami, FL and Cancun, MX in droves. They are on a mission to soak up some sun, have fun and let their hair down before finals. RELATED: Fun Activities That Will Enhance Your Mental Health However, what we all know as a generally classic good time with friends can sometimes suddenly have a drastic and scary ending. Heading out of town for your spring break vacation? Here are six precautions you should always stay aware of and how to deal with them as they come: Alcohol Poisoning/Drug Overdose. One thing is for certain, you can never be too cautious when it comes to drinking and drugs. There are so many scenarios that can happen to anyone, at any moment. From drug overdoses and date rape drugs to accidental self-inflicted alcohol poisoning and blacking out, you must always be knowledgeable, aware, cautious of your situation and ready to take action at any time. Here’s what to do: Call 911 immediately and in the meantime make sure that the individual...