Democrats grow more concerned about Biden’s fitness

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

by Toter 24 Views 0 comments

The following article, Democrats grow more concerned about Biden’s fitness, was first published on The Black Sphere. Joe Biden is unfit mentally and physically to be president. And the Left knows this, which is why they spend a lot of time coaching the old fart into “appearing” youthful. Either you have the genes and health or you don’t. Biden doesn’t. And no amount of Adderall will help present Biden long-term as fit as a fiddle. But from Day One of Biden’s takeover of the presidency, people questioned his fitness. The man hid in a bunker during the election cycle, and emerged post-coup, to accept his position. And Biden looked and acted as confused as Punxsutawney Phil every ground hog day. The Huffington Post writes of Biden’s fitness and workout routine as follows: When President Biden moved into the White House in early 2021, a debate ensued about whether he could bring his Peloton bike with him because of the security risks it might pose. Biden had grown attached to the bike, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the New York Times reported he and Jill Biden would “engage in regular morning negotiations” about who would get on the saddle first....