Democrats setting up a scapegoat for a Biden loss

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

by Toter 43 Views 0 comments

What can sink Joe Biden? It’s not what you’re being told, that’s for sure.When Kennedy declared his run as a Democrat, the party pretended to freak. But in truth, they needed a scapegoat. Kennedy may have sniffed this out, as he became an Independent. So the narrative shifted.Suddenly Kennedy was declared a bigger problem for Republicans, ergo Trump. With Kennedy firmly tied to Trump, Democrats needed another narrative. Manchin offers an excuse for a Biden potential loss. Since announcing he won’t run again for Senate, Joe Manchin has left open the door to a third-party presidential campaign. Democrats are naturally anxious about the West Virginia senator’s intentions, fearful of the possible effects of an independent bid on Joe Biden’s reelection chances.They have good cause to worry: A presidential run would be a fitting capstone for Manchin, who’s built a career around putting his own interests ahead of his party. His brand of centrism has helped him survive West Virginia’s rapid transformation from a blue to red state. But it also helped sow the seeds of the Democratic Party’s demise back home.