Gwen Carr, Mother Of Eric Garner, Responds To HHS Delay Of Decision On Menthol Ban

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New York, NY (April 26, 2024) – Gwen Carr, whose son Eric Garner was killed nearly 10 years ago over the sale of loose cigarettes, issued the following statement on the Department of Health and Human Services’ delay of a decision on a rule that would have banned menthol-flavored cigarettes. Carr has consistently raised concerns that the rule would have led to unintended criminalization in Black communities. “I worked diligently trying to avoid the menthol ban because it was personal to me. My son, Eric Garner, died as a result of police crackdowns on the sale of loose cigarettes. I realized this ban would only create more unintended law enforcement consequences like the very ones that lead to my son’s death. It’s why I organized other mothers who have lost children to police violence, NAN, Attorney Ben Crump, and others to ensure there were clear guidelines to safeguard against our concerns. We commend the Biden Administration for hearing those concerns and taking them seriously. The fight for our freedom of choice and our civil liberties must carry on,” Carr said. Carr’s statement comes as Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin, also applauded the decision. “I am pleased that the...