How can I get ice off my car?

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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Condensation and cold combine to create that layer of ice on car windshields in winter. Tomasz Sienicki/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA An engineer who studies airborne particles shares some quick and easy techniques by Suresh Dhaniyala, Clarkson University If you live somewhere that gets cold in the winter, you’ve probably seen cars parked outdoors covered in a thin layer of ice on a chilly morning. But what causes this frost, and how can you get rid of it quickly? I’m a mechanical engineering professor who studies how water vapor interacts with airborne particles under different atmospheric conditions. Frosty windshields are similar to some of the thermodynamic questions I study in the lab, and they’re also a pesky issue that I deal with every winter on my way to work. Windshield condensation The air in Earth’s atmosphere always contains a certain amount of water vapor, but there’s only so much water vapor the air can hold. Scientists call that limit 100% relative humidity. The dew point refers to the temperature at which relative humidity reaches 100%. Wet air has high dew point temperature, while dry air has a low dew point temperature. With each degree drop in temperature, the air gets closer...