Hypocritical American Exceptionalism: Biden’s Veto Of Palestinian United Nations Statehood Bid Flagrantly Undemocratic

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Black Star News Editorial Photos: YouTube Screenshots The Biden Administration’s veto of the Palestinian peoples’ bid for full United Nations membership is another explicit example of America’s exceptional hypocrisy while uttering bloviating bull about upholding democracy. This veto is proof positive that President Joe Biden doesn’t give a damn about any so-called “two-state solution.” How can Biden logically pretend he cares about a Palestinian state while blocking this resolution for Palestinian statehood in the United Nations? If America cares about Palestinian sovereignty, why are they helping Netanyahu’s genocidal racist right-wing government thwart it in the United Nations? Netanyahu has long made it clear he opposes any two-state solution. Of course, this action underscores that America wants Israel to be the one to decide what measures the people of Palestine can take in deciding their destiny. What right does the United States have to determine how Palestinians should be recognized on the world stage? How is this, in any way, upholding the virtues of democracy? However, honestly, this episode demonstrates that the United Nations is an undemocratic body because it was set up that way by countries like the United States. On the so-called Security Council, only the five permanent members...