J. Pharoah Doss: The arc of the moral universe bends towards equity or equality?

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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THE REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. is welcomed with a kiss by his wife Coretta after leaving court in Montgomery, Ala., March 22, 1956. Dr. King was found guilty of conspiracy to boycott city buses in a campaign to desegregate the bus system, but a judge suspended his $500 fine pending appeal. (Associated Press Photo/File) America recently celebrated Martin Luther King Jr.’s holiday, which is also a National Day of Service, but the occasion was not without bickering over King’s fundamental message. U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colorado, commended King’s civil rights struggle but pointed out that he fought for equality rather than equity. Democrats disagreed, accusing Boebert of failing to appreciate King’s entire legacy. Boebert said, “King had a dream that we would all be equal in America. Equity had no part in that dream. Let’s end the woke movement in America in honor of King.” Democratic strategist Ameshia Cross responded, “The Republican attack on ‘woke’ is disingenuous at best. It’s disappointing, especially considering all of the work that MLK Jr. committed himself to, which is a lot more than the ‘I Had a Dream’ speech. [Republicans] like to forget all of the things that [King] talked about, from...