Montell Fish Along With Second Alias DJ Gummy Bear, Tease Upcoming EP With “Irrational”

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Montell Fish is an exciting and enticing artist from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that is always mixing things up. It is a big reason why he has becoming popular but yet still flies under the radar. He likes to experiment with separate genres such as lo-fi soft pop, chill hip-hop, and R&B. It is quite the mouthful, but it leads to some excellent pieces of music. Today, we are covering Montell Fish and dj gummy bear’s new collaborative single “Irrational.” However, dj gummy bear is not a separate entity entirely. Essentially, he is a second alias of Montell Fish. According to the Spotify profile, he is “a character from the brain of Montell Fish. Used as a way to further experiment with sounds, concepts, and musical ideas.” This single has a strong dance/lo-fi feel to it with its steady and fast-paced drums. Montell also takes the reins on production here. Read More: Pharrell Leaves Saudi Arabia Show Early After Fans Throw Wristbands At The Stage Listen To “Irrational” By Montell Fish & DJ Gummy Bear On top of that, this single from Montell is a teaser to his upcoming EP. According to Genius, Intercession Between Charlotte is a six-song tape that will...