Racism Scandal Fallout: Summit Christian Academy President’s Response Exemplifies Everything Wrong with the School

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Chris Hahn, Head of School at Summit Christian Academy, Image from Summit Christian Academy In a recent communication to the Summit Christian Academy community, the Head of School, Chris Hahn, addressed The Defender’s recent bombshell investigation, laying bare the school’s approach to a toxic and racist culture that has, rightly, caused public outrage. April 23, 2024 – Screenshot of an email sent to the SCA community by Head of School Chris Hahn His response (the rest is provided towards the end of this piece), while veiled in administrative concern, was a masterclass in obfuscation and whataboutism, skillfully avoiding the heart of the matter: the unchecked racial and homophobic terror within his school’s walls. The President’s missive speaks volumes, not in its content, but in its glaring omissions.  The email, replete with scripture and spiritual platitudes, sidesteps the central issue. He reduces the incident to an “innappropriate/racial comment,” diluting the toxic, violent nature of hate speech, and minimizing it to a palatable euphemism that evades the weight of the offense.  Using the N word is hate speech, period. To describe it as an “innappropriate” comment, means he himself has little understanding of race, history, and the severity and violence of such...