Tapestry 360 Health Hosts Workshop Bridging Women’s History Month and Cancer Awareness

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Tapestry 360 Health hosted a workshop highlight the importance of cancer screenings for women (Photo: Annie Tarricone). By Rashad Alexander The month of March is Women’s History Month. However, it is also Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. One in 25 women is& at risk of developing cancer, while women are most& vulnerable to other cancers, such as breast, cervical, skin and more, according to the American Cancer Society.& In honor of both observances, Tapestry 360 Health (previously known as Heartland Health Center) hosted a workshop for community members and patients to highlight the importance of cancer screenings. While all were welcome, the workshop was particularly targeted towards women, teaching attendees how to take preventative measures and notice the signs of cancer.& The discussion occurred recently at the Heartland Health Center’s administrative offices at 1301 W. Devon Ave. Led by physician Daniela Anderson and Cancer Prevention Manager Annie Tarricone, the hour-long discussion allowed attendees to discuss their personal experiences with cancer while providing them knowledge of the different types of the disease and the tests needed to detect it. Photo: Annie Tarricone “We don’t want the reason for everyone to show up at an event around cancer is because someone close to...