When Dating Gets Real: Disclosing Chronic Conditions with a New Partner

Parenting/ Health

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You did it! You’ve finally dipped your toe into the dating pool.  You’ve met someone and they have got serious potential. They’re thoughtful and kind. Funny and articulate. They even like the same television shows as you! Sounds like you’re no longer waiting to exhale – you’re breathin’ good girl! But wait… all this euphoria about finding your potential one made you forget you-know-what. That thing… that refuses to go away. That thing – in your body. Outside your body. That thing that flares up and rears its ugly head at the most inopportune times. Your chronic condition – the gift that keeps on giving (ugh). You resolve to yourself “I gotta tell them.” But how do I know when it is a good time to tell my partner about my chronic condition? Should I even tell them at all? Here are some suggestions on how to get over one of the biggest hurdles people with chronic conditions have to face – telling your partner. The truth is you never really know when the right time is to reveal sensitive information to a new partner. Knowing how to balance honesty with boundaries is not easy, and in your endeavor to...