Win or lose, Tish James’ action against NRA corruption has stifled the poisonous influence of Wayne LaPierre

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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( – LaPierre helped supercharge the gunning of America, even as he and the NRA skillfully blamed America’s gun problem on everyone but themselves … Over the course of 30 years, tragedy after tragedy should have brought with it, as it did elsewhere, the most minimal and common-sense of regulations. Instead, Americans now live in a country with more guns than people. Call it Wayne’s world. & – Andrew C. McKevitt Misdirecting tens of millions of donor dollars to fund the lavish lifestyles of chief executive Wayne LaPierre and other top executives, as New York State Attorney General Letitia James alleges, is hardly the worst of the National Rifle Association’s atrocities. Related Stories But in suing the NRA for financial corruption, even if she doesn’t win the case, James has stricken the most effective blow in decades against one of the most poisonous influences in recent American history. Days before James’ lawsuit went to trial in New York City this week, LaPierre resigned from the NRA after more than 30 years. He leaves a legacy of unspeakable, senseless violence that has claimed the lives of more than a million Americans over the last 30 years. Under LaPierre’s leadership, the NRA...