1 in 4 Americans are physically inactive. Here’s how that impacts you as you age.

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By Ali Hickerson | Stacker Canva (Stacker) – In 2024, nearly half (48%) of American adults made a New Year’s resolution to improve their fitness, according to a Forbes Health/OnePoll survey. It’s a good goal—because Americans aren’t doing it nearly enough. Nearly 1 in 4 American adults are not getting the suggested two days of muscle training and 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends. According to a study published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, part of the problem could be that only 1 in 10 adults know how much and what kinds of exercise they should be getting to stave off disease and other health ailments. Guidelines by the CDC recommend “regular physical activity,” encompassing more than just fitness and exercise. It also includes sports and other physical activities that move your body and expend energy. Physical activity can even include active transportation like walking to work or gardening. Routine physical activity has more advantages for your health and well-being than just preventing weight gain. Regular movement makes your bones stronger and your cognitive abilities sharper, helps you sleep more soundly and feel less anxious, and can...