10 Home Remedies that Treat Minor Burns on Black Skin

Parenting/ Health

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It’s estimated that there are over a million burn injuries in the United States annually. While many of these need medical intervention, some burns are minor and can be effectively treated at home. The key to treating burns successfully is acting as quickly as possible.  10 Home Remedies For Minor Burns 1. Cool Water The first step in treating a minor burn is cooling the skin to soothe the injury and prevent further damage. You can do this by holding the affected area under cool, running water for at least 20 minutes. If the burning sensation or pain doesn’t lessen after using cool water, it may be a sign that you’re not dealing with a minor burn.  2. A Homemade Cool Compress After using cool water to cool down the burn, a wet towel can be used as a cool compress to help soothe the area. You should apply the compress in five to 15-minute intervals to reduce pain and swelling. It’s important to note that you should never use ice or a cold pack as these can irritate the skin and cause more damage. Once the burn is cooled, you can move on to other treatments.  3. Aloe Vera...