10 Ways Fibroids Affect Your Sex Life

Parenting/ Health

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When you have fibroids, they can affect different aspects of your life. For some people, this means that they can’t have sex the way they used to. While the specific issues can vary, there are a few that can be common for those who have this condition. Whichever problems you encounter, it’s important to know what they are and how to deal with them.  10 Ways Fibroids Can Affect Your Sex Life 1. There’s Deep Pain The most common complaint when having sex with fibroids is that there’s a deep pain within the vagina. This is especially likely if your fibroids are close to the cervix.  2. There’s Pressure On The Uterus Some fibroids are large enough to cause the uterus to become enlarged. When this happens, you’re likely to feel constant pressure and this can make penetrative sex uncomfortable.  3. There Can Be Bleeding Fibroids generally cause heavy bleeding during menstruation because they place pressure on certain blood vessels. You may be prone to bleeding during sex because of the same issue.  4. There’s An Effect On The Bladder Fibroids can also press against the bladder leading to more frequent urination and incontinence. The pressure can make sex uncomfortable...