17th Digital Graffiti Festival brings new education element


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SANTA ROSA BEACH, Fla. (WMBB) — One of the most unique art displays in the world unveiled Alys Beach this week. The 17th annual Digital Graffiti Festival has a weekend full of events.   139 artists from around the world are displaying 91 unique pieces on the side of Alys Beach buildings.   New for the 2024 festival are the education panels that are free and open to the public.  “A lot of the artists who exhibit at digital graffiti are commercial artists, and they’re here to talk about their pieces. So it seemed like a perfect opportunity to expose students, including university students from around the country, as well as some of our local art students to that aspect of professional art,” said Diana Lane, public relations director. The panels bring together the artists and engineers behind making the pieces fit perfectly on the resort community’s unique architecture.   “People are already learning so much. What we’re trying to do is bottle it. So when you come here, you’re going to feel like you’re going to learn so much about digital art,” said Kevin Boyle, panel moderator. “The next time you’re at lunch with somebody, you’re going to say, oh my gosh,...