3 Exercises that Can Be Too Hard On the Uterus

Parenting/ Health

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Although Fibroids are often asymptomatic and cause no pain to the body, there is still a large section of fibroid patients that are symptomatic. These symptoms range from abdominal discomfort, extensive periods, bladder and bowel changes, lower back pain, and pelvic pain. Exercising can help relieve some of the pain as well as give your body strength to push past some of the symptoms.  Because your body is navigating new changes in the abdominal area, it’s important to understand what may cause that area strain when exercising. Exercising is supposed to help the process, not add more discomfort to your daily schedule.  Lifting Lifting heavy weights can cause strain on the muscles surrounding the uterus. When you lift heavy weights, there’s a lot of pressure placed on your abdomen. If you repeatedly lift too many weights in a row, your lower abdomen may begin to feel uncomfortable from the added pressure to an area in your body that’s already experiencing discomfort.  Worst of all, blood circulation to the fibroids may cause them to grow in size.  It’s hard to find an alternative to lifting weights, but the best thing you can do is make sure that your lower abdomen is...