5 Essential Tips When Taking Care Of A Diabetic Child

Parenting/ Health

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It can feel overwhelming to hear that your child has been diagnosed with diabetes. The diagnosis generally marks the beginning of many changes needed to keep your child healthy. Fortunately, once you know the key areas that you need to take care of, it can make their care easier to manage.  5 Key Areas Of Diabetic Care For Children 1. Regularly Checking Blood Sugar Levels It’s imperative to ensure that you have a schedule for checking your child’s blood sugar levels. You should work with the doctor to determine when this should be and what the signs are that the blood sugar levels are outside of the normal range. Depending on your child’s age, you should also teach them how to check their blood sugar. If your child is old enough to be in school, you need to communicate your child’s needs as well.  2. Maintaining The Medical Regimen Your child’s doctor will develop a treatment plan based on their needs. This may or may not include daily insulin shots. As with the blood sugar checks, you may need to teach your child how to administer their medication. It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about insulin pumps...