5 Facelifting Foods that Tighten Skin

Parenting/ Health

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Why opt for surgery, painful fillers or shell out for expensive face creams when you can achieve similar effects of an instant facelift from the comfort of your home? It’s no secret that you are what you eat. Just as the saying goes, true beauty starts from the inside out. In saying that, check out five foods to brighten, tighten and over time lighten dark spots. RELATED: Face Yoga: The Natural Facelift Avocados Bump what ya heard about this delicious fruit. While it’s true that avocados sometimes get a bad rap due to their fat content, they can do wonders for your skin. Packed with “good fats” like polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, avocados guard the skin from sun damage, protecting against symptoms like sensitivity and inflammation. They also boost collagen production, resulting in a soft, supple appearance, the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University states. RELATED: Black Can Crack: 5 Ways We Prematurely Age Our Skin Garlic While it might not be the best for your breath, garlic is a natural antibiotic with properties that both cleanse the blood and boost the immune system. Garlic also works as an antibacterial, which when eaten raw or crushed in your...