5 Foods No One Should Eat Over 40

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 26 Views 0 comments

Let’s face it, we’re not getting any younger, so we might as well enjoy the years that we have on this earth. A large part of making the years count is watching what we put in our bodies. Here’s what us 40-somethings need to stay away from this year–and years to come. 1. Ultra-processed snacks​ Unless you’re picking an apple from a tree or getting your milk straight out of a cow, most of the food you eat is processed. It’s the ultra-processed foods that make the list to strike from your diet. Minimally processed foods like bagged greens, diced vegetables and nuts offer convenience, especially if you have a busy schedule. And canned tomatoes and frozen fruit and vegetables are an excellent way to enjoy produce processed at peak quality and freshness. But many ready-to-eat, processed foods, including cake mixes, snack chips, ketchup, sweetened yogurt and “meat lovers” frozen pizzas, add food coloring, sodium, preservatives and other hard-to-pronounce additives to make consumers happy. And that’s not good for you.​​Many processed foods are void of fiber and nutrients such as potassium or magnesium, and they tend to be calorically dense, with a lot of fat and salt, says Joseph Gonzales,...