5 Steps To Becoming Your Own Best Friend

Parenting/ Health

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I can still remember my childhood best friend. I looked forward to meeting her each day at school even though we spoke on the phone in the mornings before and also in the evenings after school.  We were inseparable!  I remember always feeling safe and loved in our friendship. Do you remember your childhood best friend? Friendships are invaluable and should be cherished. My best friends celebrate with me when I’m at my best but still love me when I’m at my worst. They remind me of who I am and what I deserve even (and especially) when I forget. We do life together. Consider yourself very fortunate if you have at least one best friend. We usually treat our friends with love, kindness, and respect. Becoming your own best friend is sometimes more difficult. You know your shortcomings and faults and might not be as likely to forgive yourself as others. The grace we give to others, we seldom extend to ourselves. You should befriend yourself first and foremost and cherish that friendship above all others. Being your own best friend will boost your self-image and self-confidence and you become more inspiring to others. You’ll be more likely to...