5 Stress Reducing Vitamin Supplements

Parenting/ Health

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During the winter months, temperatures are cold and the sun is in hibernation. This can bring on increased stress and strain on your immune system. Yep, it’s not just your imagination that you tend to get sick more often during the cold-weather months. While colds can strike at any time, they are more common in the fall and winter, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Flu activity also peaks between the months of December and February.  While all this news may tempt you to hide inside under a blanket until April, that’s hardly a realistic approach to thwart illness. Instead, wash your hands more frequently and avoid hanging out with friends who are sick. Consider giving your body an extra boost by adding a handful of winter vitamins and supplements to your daily regimen. By taking just a few extra pills each morning, you could be saving yourself literal headaches in the future.  Here are five winter vitamins (and supplements) you should take this season:  1. B-Vitamins Now more than ever, Vitamin B is an essential vitamin to add to your daily diet due to its immune system-boosting benefits. Vitamin B1 has also been shown to...