5 Ways The Experts Save Money & Build Wealth

Parenting/ Health

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While we’d like to think we have all the answers, the truth is, that we all need a little help when it comes to managing our big bad finances. So, we’ve compiled a list of five expert tips to manage your bread in the year ahead. RELATED: 16 Creative Ways To Save More Money In 2023 1. Zero in on your FICO score Everyone’s got to start somewhere. We suggest taking a closer look at your debts owed. This is a sentiment Teri Williams, president and CEO of OneUnited Bank and author of “I Got Bank: What My Granddad Taught Me About Money”, appears to share. “FICO is the most widely used credit score, which is a number that represents your creditworthiness or likelihood to pay back a loan,” Williams once told Essence. “It is a calculated compilation of past due debts you owe, frequency of past due debts, type of debt, bankruptcy and other information.” Of all the information included in your FICO score, Williams stated that the frequency of payments has the biggest influence on your rating.         RELATED: 5 Ways To Get Financially Fit 2. Find a partner “Often, reaching your goals requires enlisting the help of a...