7 Ways Crohn’s Disease Affects Black Women Differently

Parenting/ Health

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A chronic inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease impacts millions of Black women worldwide. While symptoms usually present as issues with the digestive tract, there are also less common problems that arise.  In fact, Crohn’s Disease affects Black women differently. These patients are more likely to need hospitalization, more likely to need surgery, and more likely to get diagnosed late when symptoms have already progressed. From infertility to abscesses, the impacts on Black women cannot be overstated.  Let’s cover eight ways Crohn’s hits the Black woman differently, and what can be done…  1. Infertility A significant issue for any woman of childbearing age, infertility can become more common with Crohn’s. For Black women, it’s even more common. Due to genetic, environmental, and socioeconomic risk factors, the outlook can be distressing. And it’s all due to inflammation. Thanks to the inflammation and scarring common with Crohn’s, Black women may experience issues with their reproductive organs, causing infertility.  The best way to treat this naturally is through consistent exercise, an anti-inflammatory diet, and stress management. Beyond that, medical intervention may always be necessary. Consider working with a team of experts in Crohn’s and women’s reproductive health. 2. Bone Density Loss Turns out, Crohn’s...