7 Ways You Are Hating on Yourself
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 9 months ago 66 Views 0 comments
“They hating on me!”
“They always be trying to hold a brother down!”
“Haters are going to hate!”
“They won’t let me be great”
Those are all common phrases that some use to justify why someone or a group of people have an unfavorable opinion of them or their activities. The term “haters” has become popular in the last few years to describe others, but can you actually “hate” on yourself?
The short answer is YES!
Sometimes, with our actions, we shoot ourselves in the foot by having a “victim mentality.”
Now, don’t get us wrong. We know there are races of people that hate us. We know that there is institutional racism. We see and feel the real and figurative foot on our necks every day. But does that give us a reason to stop going for greatness?
Do you realize who you are? You are descendants of Kings, Queens, and royalty. You are creators, inventors, builders and innovators. You don’t have to take from anyone else, because you create it!
Do you know someone who seems to become a victim in nearly every situation? A victim mentality is sometimes called victim syndrome or a victim complex.
The victim...