8 Super Foods Rich in Antioxidants
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 1 day ago 21 Views 0 comments
Whether you’ve been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer or are preparing for a diagnosis, you can lessen your risk and improve your well-being through greater increments of foods containing vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants proven to combat cancer.
If you are at risk or live with metastatic breast cancer, BlackDoctor.Org will list eight antioxidant-rich foods that can help.
1. Stay Green With Dark Leafy Greens
It’s almost unbeLEAF-able how loaded dark leafy greens are with antioxidants that can get rid of oxidants that lead to cancer.
Dark leafy greens can be a great addition to just about any meal. Sautee them in garlic and olive oil, or incorporate them into salads and sandwiches. They also complement soups and chilis.
Dark leafy greens include:
Bok choy
Collard greens
Dandelion greens
Mustard greens
Swiss chard
Turnip greens
RELATED: 8 Superfoods That Could Change Your Life
2. The Berry Family
Berries have antioxidants and vitamins that can protect cells, fix up injured cells, and pause the spreading of cancer cells. Darker berries are made up of 50 percent more antioxidants compared to lighter berries. In a 2016 study published in Antioxidants, researchers discovered that specifically blackberries and blueberries can eliminate breast...