A Carb is a Carb… Or Is It?

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 36 Views 0 comments

The truth is, not all carbs are created equal. Sure, they all give us much-needed energy, but beyond that, it can get very different. Depending on the type of carbs you consume, you can see vastly different effects on your health, well-being, and even appearance.  Didn’t know that?  Here’s the skinny on all things carbs, weight, and personal health… Simple vs. Complex If you haven’t heard of simple vs complex carbs, here’s a little run-down.  Basically, carbs are just types of fibers, sugars, and starches we consume. They are found in grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and other dairy products. In general, there are two types: simple and complex. The difference between the two is how they are structured, the rate of digestion, and their effects on blood sugar. Simple carbs have a basic chemical structure and are easy for the body to digest. Some simple carbs, like fruit and dairy, are good for you, while others, like candy, soda, and sugar, are unhealthy and should be limited.  Simple carbs that are highly processed have “added sugars” which can cause blood sugar to spike quickly and be harmful for people living with certain health conditions like type 2 diabetes. Then there’s...