A Survey of Second Thessalonians

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The wonderful sequel to I Thessalonians is II Thessalonians which was written by the Apostle Paul from Corinth in A.D. 51.  Paul wrote this very informative epistle to comfort and correct a severe problem that had upset the spiritual health of the church.  The problem that prompted Paul to write this epistle was the erroneous teaching of the false teachers with their claim that the “Day of the Lord” had already arrived.  With such a hideous claim, the false teachers had greatly upset the minds and hearts of the saints, because in the minds and hearts of the saints, they concluded that they had missed the “Day of Christ” (The Rapture) and because of the persecution in which they were experiencing, they were thinking that the “Day of the Lord” had overtaken them. In a previous article we discussed  the “Day of the Lord” this way:  “it is a period of time that begins with the tribulation period and goes throughout the Millennium.  It is a period that includes both blessings and cursings.  Such a claim by these false teachers greatly disturbed the hearts and minds of the Thessalonian saints.  While Paul was with this growing church, he taught with...