Al B. Sure To Be Honored At Ben Crump’s Equal Justice Now Awards March 29th

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Photos: Health Equity in Transplantation Coalition Los Angeles, CA (March 25, 2024) – Al B. Sure!, Executive Chairman of the Health Equity in Transplantation Coalition (HEiTC), will be recognized at Attorney Benjamin Crump’s Equal Justice Now Awards on Friday, March 29th in Los Angeles, California. Since receiving an organ transplant nearly two years ago, Al B! has become a champion for change and social justice and used his platform to raise issues around transplantation equity, rights for recording artists, and other key issues in the equity space. Al B! and HEiTC co-founder Rachel Noerdlinger, launched an effort to fight for unpaid music artist royalties and healthcare initiatives that has been amplified through a new partnership with Attorney Crump and Jarret Prussin, Chief Strategy Officer, Ben Crump Law.  Prussin is also a successful bone marrow transplant recipient, making their commitment to transplantation equity even stronger. Together, they are demanding equity, inclusion, and equal access to what’s fair for all in the United States. “Black and Brown Americans who receive organ transplants are at extraordinary risk compared to other transplant recipients,” said Al B. Sure!, Executive Chairman of HEiTC. “I know because I have lived this experience, which is why I have...