Alekebulan: Should Black People Stop Accepting The Word Africa?

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Dr. Brooks Robinson\ Black Photos: YouTube Screenshots\Wikimedia Commons This essay challenges our “thoughtless” use of “Africa” as the name of the “Motherland” from economic, historical, and psychological/neuroeconomic perspectives. Is this a key “sin” of omission that binds us?[1] Your patience is requested as we explore this topic methodically. The scholarly works of economists are highly valued, in part, because of the methodologies theyemploy when exploring topics/issues. It is common for submissions in the economics literature toinclude summaries of historical literature that delineate developments back to the origin of thetopic/issue at hand. Relatedly, a popular American religious figure (shown above) has reminded us that it is only by going to the “root” of a problem that we can determine its true nature and identify methods for correcting the problem or eliminating the problem altogether. In the case of White Supremacy and economic inequality, unfortunately, most analyses traceconcerns back to the most recent penetration of Europeans into the “African” sphere. There isgenerally little-to-no mention of engagement between Europeans and “Africans” going back toancient times. We believe that many current concerns could be eliminated or resolved if Europeanswould simply exhibit truthful acknowledgement of the gifts of knowledge that they received fromthe “African”...