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by Toter 16 Views 0 comments

For someone who grew up when I did, the question of Jesus continues to mystify many of my friends when it comes to my newest hero. I mean, if you think of Christianity as some sanitized version of European colonialism, then it is no wonder that many regard this faith as a cop-out when compared to the ancient religions of the world, particularly Africa. However, when you do due diligence and study, then it becomes clear how the religion of Christ has been manipulated down through the ages for political purposes. But isn’t that the case with every religion? Man still kills in the name of his God. Religious conflict is still the single reason most people die at the hands of their fellow man. Before I go too far down this road, allow me to merely put forward the life of Christ as one that has caught and held my attention, respect, admiration, praise, and worship. As I’ve said so many times and continue to be amazed, Jesus was, is, and will ever be a bad man. Folks can say whatever they want to, but He was a man’s man. As a matter of fact, what wasn’t Jesus? He...