Allah is always in control
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 3 months ago 46 Views 0 comments
Sura (chapter) 11, ayat (verse) 4: reads,& “To& Allah& is your return, and He has power over all things.”
Many of us reading this writing are in the throes (a very difficult or painful situation) of trying to make sense of the Nov. 5, 2024, election. What in the world just happened, and how do we recover? The first thing we must continuously do is remember that Allah is always in control; ALWAYS!
NOTE: Allah is the Arabic name for G_d, our Creator. Millions of Christian Arabs call our Creator by the name Allah. Allah is not the “Muslim G_d.” Allah is actually saying “The G_d!”
G_d is always in control. Whenever fear or difficulty confronts believers, Muslims recall sura (chapter) 2: ayat (verse) 156, “Who say, when afflicted with calamity: ‘To Allah We belong, and to Him we are returning.’”
The help and mercy of Allah is always nearby, even in our most difficult moments. Allah well-equipped us with intellect and reasoning, supported with sound hearts of faith that are rooted in our strong belief in Him; all the essentials for getting us through difficult situations. Tuesday’s election — for many of us — was and is a difficult...