Aquiline Drones Launches Pioneering Anti-Graffiti Drone Nationwide


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Aquiline Drones Embarks on Nationwide Campaign – Using Disruptive Technologies: Drones and AI cameras to Fight Unsightly Graffiti. Unsightly graffiti is a menace to communities and metropolises, worldwide! More than just a nuisance, graffiti is a form of vandalism, making it a crime that devalues property and consumes valuable police time and other public resources. Moreover, graffiti negatively affects communities by creating a perception of neglect or disorder, lowering property values, deterring businesses, and contributing to feelings of insecurity among residents, especially if associated with gang activity or offensive content. Globally, cities like Sydney invest in anti-graffiti technologies such as surveillance cameras and protective coatings on walls, to prevent graffiti before it happens. Clearly however, these efforts, while seemingly progressive, prove inadequate by only scratching the surface. As is the case with graffiti tagging, the problem recurs – even increasing and likely fostering retaliation by taggers. Thankfully, a more complete solution has emerged. An absolute game-changer in the fight against graffiti by taking it one step farther and aiming to largely eradicate it. This timely solution blends key technologies – smart cameras, artificial intelligence (AI) and graffiti drones…yes, drones, ready to get the job done once and for all! CT-based...