Are You Raising One of the Next Generation of Hoodlums: TIPS FOR RAISING A WELL-ROUNDED BOY

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Dr. Joyce Willard Teal It is important that as your son grows and begins to mature, the also begins to develop a well-rounded personality. But becoming well-rounded is not something that just happens because of your desire to have it happen. There are things that parents must do, and there are things that parents must not do to foster this. One of the things you should do is to give your son some responsibility and make it clear to him that he is expected to assume that responsibility. Talk to your son about why you go to work regularly, even when you don’t necessarily feel like going. Help him to learn that you do this because you are responsible for taking care of the family, and by working regularly assists you to do this. Teach your son that there is nothing wrong with showing his emotions in certain situations; don’t ridicule him for doing so. Show him warmth, tenderness and affection and allow him to express his feelings. Don’t worry if your son is not acting “masculine” enough. Give him the opportunity to be a young boy as you set the model for him to emulate you as he is...