Are You Ready to Sit at The Grown Folks’ Table? Here’s How to Tell…
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 1 month ago 47 Views 0 comments
You watch. You wait. You dream. But until it happens you wonder: “Am I ready to sit at The Grown Folks’ Table?” It is a rite of passage, a coming of age moment to relish, when you are moved from kids, tweens, and teens space to “The Table”. Vying with those aged twentysomething and up for a coveted spot among the older generations is not easy. A seat at The Table is a jewel in the crown meaning you have arrived among your people. All of the young bloods mix and mingle with something to prove: successful adulting. A tap to “move on up” can mean any of the following: respect for your choices and for you; the expectation of financial stability for self and/or contribution to the family as needed; an invitation to gatherings not assumed attendance; a space at your side for a plus one; and being seen as a “responsible one” for anything or anyone from pets to elders and not the other way around. Here’s how to tell.
Not to be taken lightly, sitting at The Grown Folks’ Table is not for everybody. You must be worthy, and you might have to level up. Respect...