Auburn Basketball Player Slaps at Morgan Freeman for Grabbing His Jersey During Game Against Ole Miss, Then Realizes Grabber Was the Actor

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Auburn University basketball player Johni Broome met one of his favorite actors in the most unexpected ways during a recent matchup against Ole Miss. In a clip from the Feb. 3 game, which has been heavily circulated amongst sports fans on X, the 21-year-old is observed attempting to swat away the hand of a suspected rival fan, only to realize it was Morgan Freeman tugging on his jersey. Broome was near the sideline when the incident occurred. Freeman and a woman seated next to him both reached out their hands to prevent the athlete from tumbling back onto them after Broome saved the basketball from going out of bounds. Auburn University basketball player Johni Broome apologizes after swatting away Morgan Freeman’s hand for grabbing his jersey during a game against Ole Miss. (Photos: YouTube Screenshot/Speed News TV) Upon turning around to put eyes on his seeming hecklers, the player realized it was the Academy Award winner he had struck. “Bro heard Mr. Clark voice and straightened up lmaoooo,” wrote an X user making a gif over the actor’s 1989 film “Lean on Me,” where he portrayed a no-nonsense teacher who gains the respect of students at a low-performing high school...