Babonneau Cricketers Appeal For Assistance!
Caribbean and World Newsby Toter 3 months ago 43 Views 0 comments
As the fanfare surrounding Julien Alfred’s return to Saint Lucia subsides, questions about support for the next generation of athletes have emerged.
While these concerns are evident across various disciplines, one cricket sports club has revealed its challenges to St. Lucia Times.
The Babonneau Rising Stars Cricket Academy has faced several hurdles that have hindered the club’s growth and ability to support young players.
Among the challenges is the lengthy process of obtaining official endorsement as a club from the district Youth and Sports Council.
“We haven’t reached out to any corporate people yet for help. Since we’re not yet endorsed, we get help and assistance from nonprofit organisations,” said Sekhanda Gustave, President of the Cricket Academy. “Make it easier to get endorsed! The corporate community should put as much effort into these initiatives as they do for Carnival etc.”
Head Coach for the Academy, Jervaughn Charles, also highlighted the issues his team faced on the ground. He appealed to potential sponsors to assist in this regard.
“Going into our third year of existence, we are looking to expand our resources to cater for the different age and experience groups. At present, one collapsible net is used on a daily...