Baltimore wants voters to approve reparations fund against advice of its own equity office
News Talkby Toter 4 months ago 34 Views 0 comments
BALTIMORE (WBFF) — Baltimore City lawmakers want voters to approve the creation of a reparations fund despite pushback from several city agencies, including strong opposition from the city’s former chief equity officer.
The bill to create a Baltimore Community Reinvestment and Reparations Fund was first introduced to the Baltimore City Council in May 2023. The bill, championed by outgoing Baltimore City Council President Nick Mosby, sought to amend the city charter to permanently establish a fund to redistribute state money generated from cannabis sales. As is standard practice for most council bills, several city agencies had an opportunity to review the bill as it made its way through the legislative process.
The BaltimoreOffice of Equity and Civil Rights issued a scathing rebuke of the bill shortly after it was introduced, calling it “an inappropriate use of Baltimore City’s charter amendment process.” The office explained the state money the fund would administer is scheduled to sunset, meaning the city could be left with an unfunded mandate once state dollars dry up.
“Along with promoting equity and civil rights, we must also promote responsible governance, and therefore, we do not believe this is the most efficient approach,” former Baltimore City Chief Equity...