Being Given a Great Entrustment II Timothy 2:1-26

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Rev. Johnny C. Smith,Pastor – Mount MoriahMissionary Baptist Church The Pastoral Epistle of II Timothy is viewed as Paul’s last will and testament that offers comfort and it challenges a timid and faithful spiritual son (Timothy) to be courageous in view of Timothy’s ministry in Ephesus.  In this epistle, Paul encourages Timothy to be steadfast in the fulfillment of his Divinely appointed task, despite Paul’s bleak circumstances as a prisoner of Jesus Christ.  Paul warns Timothy in this lofty epistle that his preaching will be assailed or attacked because men will abandon the truth for ear itching words (II Timothy 4:3). In addition, Paul’s own faith was tested by his being imprisoned (II Timothy 1:8).  In fact, virtually all Christians in Asia, the province of which Ephesus was the leading city, abandoned him (II Timothy 1:15).  It seems that only one man was not ashamed of Paul’s ministry and came to him in Rome (II Timothy 1:16-17).  In this epistle, Paul will offer his own example to guide Timothy, and God’s word to fortify Timothy, in view of mounting opposition from within and increasing pressure from without. As believers, we are to endure suffering for the cause of Christ because...