Ben Jealous: Finding common ground around the holiday dinner table

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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A Better Discussion Guide… The holidays are a time for coming together. We should not just be coming together physically to drive us further apart mentally, emotionally, and spiritually by reinforcing our differences. Yet a lot of organizations, brands, and politicians put out discussion guides and talking points to help their supporters “win the debate” at holiday gatherings, or change the minds of their family and friends who hold “opposing” views. Let’s instead focus on what we know we all agree on, what we have in common, and strengthen bonds at the family and friend-group level – which will eventually lead to strengthened bonds at the community level and beyond. And we agree on a lot. You would be hard-pressed to find someone who does not want cheaper utility bills. With clean energy jobs already powering the economy, that increasingly means lighting and heating our homes with clean energy sources like solar, wind, and batteries. The transition is not so far along because of some hidden green agenda; it is because clean, renewable energy is both cheaper and more resilient than fossil fuels. Speeding up the clean energy transition already underway is the true path to lower prices for ratepayers...